मस्ती के साथ चैट और यात्रा करें!
56 years old, Montreal, Canada

मेरे बारे में

I am very easygoing person, who values honesty, devoted love and tender relationship. I love cooking and take care about people I love. I am not lazy person and am faithful and very romantic. I have a good sense of humor, am versatile and outgoing person enjoying life! I can be funny, caring and mysterious.I want to go round the world and see the places I've only seen on TV. I want to do that with a partner whom I really love and respect. You may say I am a bit of a dreamer and yes – it's true. I dream a lot and truly believe all my dreams will come true. I believe in fairy tales and that everything in our hands. I am sure that I will have in my life special love story with happy end in good mood

मेरे बारे में कुछ और चीजें

  • मैं बोलता हूँ : अंग्रेजी, जर्मन, स्पैनिश, इतालवी
  • मुझे तलाश है : दोस्त, जीवनसाथी
  • स्मोकर नहीं
  • मद्यपान की आदतें : नहीं
  • शिक्षा : ट्रेड/टेक्नीकल
  • आय : कोई नियमित आय नहीं
  • कद : 174 सेमी (5' 08") गठन एथलेटिक

घूमे हुए देश

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