मस्ती के साथ चैट और यात्रा करें!
31 years old, Melbourne, Australia

मेरे बारे में

I am a single woman that is looking for some action. Nothing very serious, just a casual sexual relationship, in a way, a booty call. I would also like to spend some time together, not having sex, but sex is the most important as of right now. It has been a while and I am going though withdrawal. I have a really good feeling about this so drop me a line, and I would really like it if you talked dirty to me in the email, it's more exciting!!

मेरे बारे में कुछ और चीजें

  • यौन उन्मुखता : इतरलिंगी
  • मैं बोलता हूँ : अंग्रेजी
  • मुझे तलाश है : दोस्त
  • स्मोकर कभी-कभी
  • मद्यपान की आदतें : कभी-कभी
  • शिक्षा : यूनिवर्सिटी
  • आय : कोई नियमित आय नहीं
  • कद : 170 सेमी (5' 07") वजन : 54 केजी (119 एलबी) गठन औसत

घूमे हुए देश

पिछला दिखाएँ