मस्ती के साथ चैट और यात्रा करें!
Jeffery Claude Bachaimer
66 years old, Barranquilla, Colombia

मेरे बारे में

I am a good hearten, funny, intelligent, athletic, caring, affectionate person. I don't believe you just can go wrong with me. It's not me being cocky. I just believe in myself and what I can do for someone I care for. I am a very passionate man. I absolutely love to kiss and hold hands. It's a pleasure to me to show a woman that I truly care for her. I love to laugh at the silliest things, usually myself. I am very outgoing and talkative. I'm the first person stopping to ask for directions if we are lost. I don't claim to know everything, just almost everything. :) I am very competitive and athletic in any sport. I am very close to my family. I absolutely love children. I care about our country. I'm interested in learning new things. I don't have a problem with whatever you like to do in your spare time. I understand we all have our passions in life. I would respect and honor that.

मेरे बारे में कुछ और चीजें

  • मैं बोलता हूँ : अंग्रेजी
  • मुझे तलाश है : जीवनसाथी
  • स्मोकर नहीं
  • मद्यपान की आदतें : कभी-कभी
  • शिक्षा : यूनिवर्सिटी
  • कद : 168 सेमी (5' 06") वजन : 67 केजी (148 एलबी) गठन औसत

घूमे हुए देश

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