Etsin: Nainen
Embark on a cultural odyssey to the enchanting city of Mysore! Planning for a weekend/single day journey whuch will introduce you to the rich heritage, vibrant colors, and majestic architecture of this South Indian gem. Explore the opulent Mysore Palace, witness the breathtaking Chamundi Hill sunset, and indulge in the aromatic spices of local markets. From traditional silk weaving demonstrations to yoga sessions in serene gardens, immerse yourself in the essence of Mysore. Whether you're a history buff, a foodie, or a nature lover, this trip offers something for every traveler seeking an authentic Indian experience.
Matkan tarkoitus: Konsertti/festivaali, Ruokakierros, Kiertoajelu, Lyhyt/viikonloppu matka
Raha-asiat: Jokainen henkilö maksaa omasta puolestaan
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