Juttele ja matkustele pitäen hauskaa!
41 years old, Chicago, United States


I am a lady who loves with a pure heart, and lives every day as if it is the last one. I appreciate life, flowers, sea and sun! I think it is not right to waste time on arguments instead of pleasing each other. I am a workaholic, and I always help my parents. I am a good listener and can give an advice when I am asked. I like to learn something new, I am open to new impressions. I accept people as they are, trying to look at the sunny side of things.

Muutama juttu minusta

  • Minä puhun: Englanti
  • Etsin: Sielunkumppani
  • Tupakoija: Ei
  • Juomatavat: Ei
  • Koulutus; Yliopisto
  • Tulot: Vakaat keskitason tulot
  • Pituus: 164 cm (5' 04") Paino: 59 kg (130 lb) Rakenne: Laiha

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United States
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