Ψάχνω για ένα: Γυναίκα
Unfortunately, most women who are only looking for money are found here. . And I don't like exploitative women who sell our bodies for money. Because they are just a vessel full of diseases and filth, they transmit diseases to people for a handful of dirhams. Alas, it is a pity that they take advantage of the unfortunate.. I don't know why they insist on people's illnesses. I'm here not looking for or dating them - I'm here looking for a clean woman who won't sell her body for money. I am here looking for a woman who will not go with me for money
Σκοπός του ταξιδιού: Αξιοθέατα, Ταξίδι για ψώνια, Σύντομο διάλειμμα/Σαββατοκύριακο, Επαγγελματικό ταξίδι
Οικονομικά: Κάθε πρόσωπο πληρώνει για τον εαυτό του/της
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