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Pâmella Fernandes
29 years old, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

σχετικά με μένα

Hey there,

I'm a geophysicist with an unstoppable urge to uncover the coolest secrets of our planet and the entire cosmos. I embrace a fulfilling vegetarian lifestyle and a unstoppable purchase to be the best version of myself, one tiny 1% leap at a time.

I'm a total geophysicist enthusiast, always on the hunt for the coolest secrets our planet and the cosmos hold. Oh, and guess what? I've gone full vegetarian, embracing change like a champ. It's all about becoming the best me, one itty-bitty 1% jump at a time.

My job lets me chase uncharted territories, hang out with all sorts of amazing people, and totally soak up different cultures. I'm big on connections, and my super friendly and adaptable nature makes me a seriously awesome sidekick. Can't wait to get to know you!

Now for the fun stuff – I'm totally nuts about sinfometal, power, and Forró (and if you've never heard of it, no worries, I'm happy to give you the lowdown). Also, let's dive into mind-blowing chats about the universe's biggest head-scratchers. Ready to team up and journey through both the scientific and soulful marvels that life's all about?<b></b>

Λίγα περισσότερα πράγματα για μένα

  • Σεξουαλικός προσανατολισμός: Ετερόφυλος
  • Μιλώ: Αγγλικά, Γερμανικά, Ισπανικά, Πορτογαλικά
  • Ψάχνω για: Φίλοι, Περιπέτεια, Ημέρα του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου με το TourBar, Εργασία
  • Καπνιστής Όχι
  • Συνήθειες ποτού: Όχι
  • Εκπαίδευση: Μάστερ / Διδακτορικό
  • Ύψος: 165 εκ (5' 05") Βάρος: 68 κιλά (150 lb) Κατασκευή: Αθλητικός

Χώρες που επισκέφτηκα

BrazilUnited States
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