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64 years old, Managua, Nicaragua

σχετικά με μένα

God needs people who are filled with the Holy Spirit, who are not worried about their own will or future, and who have adopted the character of the Lord Jesus. People need to think like He thinks, speak like He speaks, behave like He behaves, and feel like He feels. These people must embrace their faith in the Lord Jesus in order to be tools in God’s hands and reveal His character to the world. The Lord Jesus said that many are called but few are chosen. But who is chosen? How are they identified? Why were anointed men of the past different from men today? I am much of the time among the poor. I trying to fulfill my destiny. I travel to many countries and have a dream to feed 1,000,000 in many countries. Seeking a women that dreams great things and seeks her destiny. Believe me I am not perfect but I have opened my life for change and forgive my sins daily and take another step in the correct direction no matter how hard it is. I desire a women that does not want to be controlled but loved and honored.

Λίγα περισσότερα πράγματα για μένα

  • Σεξουαλικός προσανατολισμός: Ετερόφυλος
  • Μιλώ: Αγγλικά
  • Ψάχνω για: Ημέρα του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου με το TourBar
  • Καπνιστής Όχι
  • Συνήθειες ποτού: Μερικές φορές
  • Εκπαίδευση: Μάστερ / Διδακτορικό
  • Έσοδα: Σταθερό μέσο εισόδημα
  • Ύψος: 180 εκ (5' 11") Βάρος: 70 κιλά (154 lb) Κατασκευή: Αθλητικός

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Χώρες που επισκέφτηκα

Costa RicaMexicoUnited StatesCubaHondurasGuatemalaNicaragua
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