Μιλήστε και ταξιδέψτε με διασκέδαση!
Melissa Arson
34 years old, Los Angeles, United States

σχετικά με μένα

Guess what?!?! You can call off the search... YOU FOUND ME! Hehe. First thing you should know about me is (insert drum roll effects here) ...... yes, you guessed it, I'm a huge MIXED ( IRISH AND MEXICAN ) and LOVE IT!, (okay, sorry, but that's quite often really,) I enjoy a variety of activities such as catching up on some reading, taking walks in a park, laughing, hanging with friends or family, watching movies, shopping, surfing the web, laughing, shooting pool, bowling, dancing, camping and hiking, laughing, fishing, hanging out at the lake, or just plain ol' relaxing at home. By the way, did I mention I like to laugh? I did, right, moving on then. I wouldn't mind broadening my horizon with other activities as long as they were with the right person (hint, hint ;)

Λίγα περισσότερα πράγματα για μένα

  • Σεξουαλικός προσανατολισμός: Ετερόφυλος
  • Μιλώ: Αγγλικά
  • Ψάχνω για: Φίλοι, Περιπέτεια, Ημέρα του Αγίου Βαλεντίνου με το TourBar
  • Καπνιστής Ναι
  • Συνήθειες ποτού: Μερικές φορές
  • Εκπαίδευση: Κολλέγιο
  • Έσοδα: Σταθερό μέσο εισόδημα
  • Ύψος: 164 εκ (5' 04") Βάρος: 49 κιλά (108 lb) Κατασκευή: Λεπτός

Χώρες που επισκέφτηκα

United States
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