Пиши си и пътувай забавлявайки се!
28 years old, Berane, Montenegro

за мен

Well i can tell you short about me :)
First of All my name is Merima .. and i am one of those who wants to explore everything in life but everything should start with good food and good friend ;) okay joking for food :( ... I am very friendly social commucative honest and responsible person. I love animals so much cats and dog are my favorite i have two cats but what i love the most are horses <3 okay enough for animals.
My hair is brown my eyes are blue ;) favorite colors are red black grey blue and brown :* ... I am also singer and song writer ... i like to travel so much :) Mind breaks people we all need that ! peace!
ps: if you wanna know more about me feel free to ask me anything you want :)

Още нещо за мен

  • Сексуална ориентация: Хетеросексуален/лна
  • Говоря: Английски, Немски, Хърватски, Сръбски
  • Аз търся: Приятели, Приключение, Сродна душа, Работа
  • Пушач: Понякога
  • Лоши навици: Понякога
  • Образование: Средно
  • Височина: 168 cm (5' 06") Тегло: 65 kg (143 lb) Телосложение: С няколко килца отгоре

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