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Rock Smith
45 years old, New York, United States

за мен

Just back from Barcelona. Beautiful city, friendly people.
World traveler.
Live in the US and India.
Like new experiences.
For me travel is when you actually live in a place for some time. Its not about just visiting all the famous landmarks but understanding the history and the people.
Going grocery shopping, cooking a meal at home, making friends with the grocer and other locals. Blending with the people in that locality. Experiencing life as a local in that city.

Още нещо за мен

  • Сексуална ориентация: Хетеросексуален/лна
  • Говоря: Английски, Хинди
  • Аз търся: Приятели, Приключение, Сродна душа
  • Пушач: Не
  • Лоши навици: Понякога
  • Образование: Университет
  • Доходи: Високи доходи
  • Височина: 183 cm (6' 00") Тегло: 82 kg (181 lb) Телосложение: Стройно

Посетени държави

AustraliaBelgiumUnited KingdomThe NetherlandsDenmarkIndiaUnited StatesFinlandSweden
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