دردش وسافر باستمتاع
27 years old, Lagos, Nigeria

معلومات عني

A baby’s life helps to form and shape the future for that child; this goes the same for me. My birth, my sign, and my name, all relate to the way I live and act today. Many people may not see this connection for themselves, but it takes a little bit of research and thinking to come to realize why people are the way they are. Every day and every action that a child experiences can influence their actions as an adult.
I was born on a Friday morning at 2:AM. Although my mother was not in labor for long, she did take her time getting to the hospital to give birth. I was born on January 03, 1997, in general, Taurus’ are stubborn people and can bring harmony from chaos.
I am adjusting like any child would to their new surroundings, and getting used to daily life as a college student. I came to NAU alone, much like I was born an only child. However, in the next year, I know I will make friends and meet people to enjoy college life with, much like when my brother was born, I had a newplaymate and someone to grow with.

معلومات عن المرشد المحلي

  • الأخذ والتوصيل من المطار, المساعدة في اختيار الفندق, السائق (الخدمات), مترجم (خدمات), صور الجولات السياحية, التسوق, جولات مشاهدة معالم المدينة, تذوق النبيذ/المشروبات, تذوق أطباق المطعم المحلي, ترتيب الأنشطة الخارجية, رفيق في معارض/ اجتماعات

القليل من الأشياء عني

  • أتحدث اللغة: الإنجليزية
  • أبحث عن: أصدقاء, مغامرة, ليوم عيد الحب لتوربار, وظيفة
  • مدخن لا
  • عادات الشراب: في بعض الأوقات
  • التعليم: تعليم مدرسي فقط:
  • الدخل: دخل ثابت منخفض:
  • الطول: {height_cm}} سنتيمتر (5' 04") وزن: 69 كيلوغرام (152 lb)

أرغب في زيارة

في أي وقت

United States

اظهار السابق