دردش وسافر باستمتاع
danny muller
55 years old, Ohio City, United States

معلومات عني

am passionate with boundless energy. I am as loyal as a dog, funnier than your favorite comedian, and if I need to, I can provide references.:-)
I am comfortable in my own skin and wear my emotions on my sleeve. You won't have to guess where you stand with me either. I will have your back, someone you can count on. Not the caretaker kind, more like a generous, thoughtful, proactive- solution provider.

Looking for a girl who is funny and should have an infectious laugh and giggle that rivals an angel's harp at the gates of heaven. She is flexible, easy going, not into drama and respectful. Quick wit and clever banter are energizing and engaging. The woman who makes me smile every time I see her enter the room. The feeling of her touch and her laughter ringing in my head. Just the thought of her brings a smile to my face. It is all about chemistry and attraction. Let's not wait for it to happen, reach out, step outside of your comfort zone and let's live life to its fullest. You know that special person you can not wait to talk to, I am hoping that my best friend ever is still out there.

القليل من الأشياء عني

  • التوجه الجنسي مُتَبَايِنُ الجِنْس
  • أتحدث اللغة: الإنجليزية
  • أبحث عن: ليوم عيد الحب لتوربار
  • مدخن لا
  • عادات الشراب: في بعض الأوقات
  • التعليم: درجة علمية أعلى
  • الدخل: دخل ثابت متوسط:
  • البنية: متوسط

الدول التي تم زيارتها من قبل

United States
اظهار السابق