دردش وسافر باستمتاع
46 years old, Doha, Qatar

معلومات عني

My personality is very lively and energetic. I am an open, goal-oriented, sociable, kind and neat, humorous and friendly person. I have a lot of friends. I treat all people well. I am a good housewife, mother and friend. I am happy when people who are present in my life are happy too. My biggest hobby is cooking. I like traveling and knowing the cultures and traditions of other people in the world. I love doing fitness and jogging. I am also interested in something new in beauty industry. I like reading, going to the movies, exhibitions, listening to music.I am the type of a person who always accepts new challenges in life’ knowing that it will help me leap into the higher level of performances. I am much confident of myself, talented, and a positive thinker.

القليل من الأشياء عني

  • التوجه الجنسي مُتَبَايِنُ الجِنْس
  • أتحدث اللغة: الإنجليزية
  • أبحث عن: أصدقاء, ليوم عيد الحب لتوربار
  • مدخن لا
  • عادات الشراب: لا
  • التعليم: كلية
  • الدخل: لا يوجد دخل ثابت:
  • الطول: {height_cm}} سنتيمتر (5' 08") وزن: 56 كيلوغرام (123 lb) البنية: متوسط

الدول التي تم زيارتها من قبل

The NetherlandsGhanaQatar
اظهار السابق