دردش وسافر باستمتاع
Raymond Scott
63 years old, Jacksonville, United States

معلومات عني

I believe that there are no accidents in life, and that everything happens for a reason; although we may not understand it at the time. I am positive, romantic, a very nice, kind and caring man to everyone, happy, sense of humor, smart, quick thinking, analytical thinker, philosopher, wise (maybe even a genius they say...Ha..ha), open minded, adventurous, thoughtful & giving to help others, confident but never boastful, a leader not a follower. Hardworking Businessman. who love hanging with orphanage home kids help them to get there needs..cos i love kids very much and my woman must love kids same way i do.i hate layers as well hate cheating.

you dont have to be perfect now as long as you willing to learn.

القليل من الأشياء عني

  • أتحدث اللغة: الإنجليزية, الألمانية
  • أبحث عن: ليوم عيد الحب لتوربار
  • مدخن لا
  • عادات الشراب: في بعض الأوقات
  • التعليم: درجة علمية أعلى
  • الدخل: دخل ثابت متوسط:
  • الطول: {height_cm}} سنتيمتر (5' 07") وزن: 114 كيلوغرام (251 lb) البنية: متوسط

الدول التي تم زيارتها من قبل

United States
اظهار السابق