دردش وسافر باستمتاع
Ramon morin
58 years old, Puebla, Mexico

معلومات عني

I am a very dedicated to internal spiritual aspect, I'm a very spiritual path called Druidism related with our mother nature and the cycles of the moon.

I love and respect very much the woman to have that wonderful power to give life within it, it is very often forgotten man we all came from a woman and by the mere fact of giving life, we love them and respect them with our lives.

I like to work, travel and when I have goals and projects working on it until we get it, I do not smoke or drink, I like video games, I love cats, I love the forest and I love and respect to the three animal kingdoms, mineral and vegetable, practical and disciplines as astrology, yoga, divination, herbology, poetry, Celtic and Nordic mythology, energy management, natural Magic and ceremonial magic, Kamasutra, Tantra, Tao and sacred sexuality study of sacred sexuality workshops give Therapies alternatives earconning therapy, reflexology, music therapy, hot stone massages, color therapy, aromatherapy, Tarot, courses and workshops on fairies and magical creatures, trees and Celtic among other things more totemic animals, I like to write about spiritual issues.

القليل من الأشياء عني

  • التوجه الجنسي مُتَبَايِنُ الجِنْس
  • أتحدث اللغة: الإنجليزية, الأسبانية, الإيطالية, ياباني
  • أبحث عن: أصدقاء, مغامرة, ليوم عيد الحب لتوربار
  • مدخن لا
  • عادات الشراب: في بعض الأوقات
  • التعليم: درجة علمية أعلى
  • الدخل: دخل عالي
  • الطول: {height_cm}} سنتيمتر (5' 09") وزن: 90 كيلوغرام (198 lb) البنية: متوسط

الدول التي تم زيارتها من قبل

اظهار السابق