دردش وسافر باستمتاع
Bernard Kobby Acheampong
47 years old, Accra, Ghana

معلومات عني

I am an optimistic person who always tries to see the positive in people and situations. Many things interest me, but nothing more so than human nature. People are endlessly fascinating to me,,,I Love to travel and want to experience new things and places in my life. I am true romantic at heart and I love that feeling of holding your hand... that slow kiss...The Dance of romance. The thrill of chemistry between two people that might someday turn into true love. It is after all what makes it all worth it!!! The perfect match?? I used to think I knew... I just want to take your breath away and keep taking it away, i just want to be your partner in crime...lol, To have you think of me when I'm not there and long for me to come back. I am a fiercely loyal person... Any of my friends and family will tell you that. I don't take people's feelings lightly Nor do I like to play games with their hearts, so I would ask the same of you. I am interested in building a relationship with
someone But know that dating is part of that process.

معلومات عن المرشد المحلي

  • الأخذ والتوصيل من المطار, المساعدة في اختيار الفندق, السائق (الخدمات), جولات مشاهدة معالم المدينة, تذوق أطباق المطعم المحلي, ترتيب الأنشطة الخارجية, رفيق في معارض/ اجتماعات

القليل من الأشياء عني

  • التوجه الجنسي مُتَبَايِنُ الجِنْس
  • أتحدث اللغة: الإنجليزية
  • أبحث عن: أصدقاء, ليوم عيد الحب لتوربار
  • مدخن في بعض الأوقات
  • عادات الشراب: نعم
  • التعليم: تجاري / فني
  • الدخل: لا يوجد دخل ثابت:
  • الطول: {height_cm}} سنتيمتر (5' 07") وزن: 80 كيلوغرام (176 lb) البنية: رياضي

الدول التي تم زيارتها من قبل

United StatesGhana
اظهار السابق