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Are you a perfect partner? Check yourself!

Opublikowane: Gru 06, 2017
przez TourBar
We asked our users to describe what traits of character a perfect partner should have.

Best travelling partners according to our users are:

- Those who can share dreams, who has the same interests but at the same time ready for compromises, be able to get used to different conditions. Humor is very important while traveling that’s why people want to find a happy and funny partner.

- Men told us that they would prefer to meet flexible, understanding and kind women.

- Girls are looking for cheerful, outgoing and active guys.

Read more: It is the best time to go to Thailand!

- Both men and women think that a perfect partner should be smart and courageous, ready for adventures, healthy and with no bad habits.

Want to find such a partner? We have something special for you on TourBar

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