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Don't Travel alone - meet new friends

Posted: Dez 19, 2016
by TourBar
Traveling alone
Thousands of people from different countries and cultures. Don’t miss you chance to know more about the world!

Why it’s not a good idea to travel alone

In some countries it’s not safe to travel alone, you will probably feel uncomfortable and nervous. And nobody wants to be in danger on holidays. So if you still want to be by yourself, choose a calm and safe place to visit or take an organized tour. Remember that travelling alone is much more expensive.

You will pay for hotel room or apartment by yourself, you won’t be able to share costs on renting car or buying food in supermarket. You will be with your own thoughts all the time, nobody will improve your mood or make you smile early in the morning.

Nobody will help you to carry things, prepare dinner or open a bottle of wine in the evening. You will be on your own all the time. Are you sure that you are ready for that?

How to travel alone and not feel lonely

Never give up! If you started your journey on your own it’s never too late to find new friends and have some fun together. You can join some excursions, find other lonely travelers in parks or museums, search for new friends in bars and hostels. But if you are too shy to start a conversation in real life, go online.

The only thing to do is to register on dating site and announce that you are looking for someone in a concrete place. Fill your profile with relevant information, add your best photo, write a small presentation about yourself.

As soon as your profile is ready, look at other people’s profiles. You can find local people or other travelers and organize a meetup in a nice place. Share your travel stories, plan new journeys and make new friends all over the world.

Tourbar will help you to feel happy and satisfied with your trip even if you travel alone.